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Why did you become a card collector?

Card collectors sometimes get caught up in trying to become “card investors,” which is a fine thing that our spouses would certainly appreciate. But why did we first become card collectors? Because it was fun! (Unless you got into it as an investor only, which means your fun is measured by dollar signs, which… I get.)

Are card collectors good or bad?

Like all industries, we have good guys and bad guys. The “bad guy” card collector ranks among the lowest forms of villain, taking advantage of young collectors, new collectors and collectors whose nostalgia sometimes clouds their judgment on good business.

Why are there more cards available to collectors?

There are many more cards available to collectors because these Wall Streeters like cards. Also, since a lot of money is involved, more unscrupulous people get uncovered, which helps everyone. Things Investors might be heard saying: “I just bought a 1/1 tri-colored rookie patch auto card of Gandhi.

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